

    Compliance Manager  (지원마감)
    회사소개 외국계 기업
    ◎ Position: Compliance Manager (과장~부장)

    《 주요업무 》
    - Design, develop and implement the Group's compliance policies, procedures, and processes to govern the Group's compliance program and its execution
    - Design, develop and execute the Group's corporate compliance training suite (e.g. workshops, handbooks, leaflets, development of compliance website, compliance e-learnings, etc.) as part of compliance education. Run periodic train-the-trainer sessions
    - Conduct internal reviews/investigations on all reports of non-compliance to ensure that all non-compliances are adequately dealt with and to present the investigation results to the management
    - Consolidate and prepare Group compliance reports for submission to the Group CEO/Board of Directors as part of communication and accountability on matters pertaining to compliance
    Partner with Business Units/Business Lines on specific compliance initiatives. Advise stakeholders on applying the compliance policy framework in business execution and ensure effective information flow between all internal and external parties
    - Build and maintain strong relationships with the external compliance community to keep abreast with laws, regulations, and best practices
    - Support superior in managing day-to-day operating expenditures against operating budgets to ensure efficient usage of resources

    《 자격사항 》
    - 학력: 학사 이상 (4년대졸)
    - 경력: 6년 이상
    - General Compliance system 또는 process가 잘 갖춰진 회사에서 일을 배운 후보자
    - 비즈니스 영어 가능자
    - MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 활용 능력 상

    《 우대사항 》
    - 외국계 회사 근무 경력자

    〔 근 무 지 〕 서울

    〔 전형절차 〕 서류전형 - 1차면접 - 2차면접 - 최종합격
    〔 제출서류 〕 이력서 (자기소개서 및 경력기술서 포함),
    〔 지원방법 〕 e-mail 접수

    〔 담당 컨설턴트 〕
    ▶e-mail: gb.ruy@acepartners.kr
    ▶연락처: 010-9912-4028 / 02-556-0401

    입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우
    채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
    기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 외국어:영어
    • 담당자 류경분 이사
    • 연락처 556-0401
    • 이메일 gb.ruy@acepartners.kr