

    퍼스널케어 라인 매니저 (부장급)
    회사소개 외국계
    ◎ Position: Personal care industry (화장품 원료) 로컬 라인 매니저 (부장급)

    《 주요업무 》
    - Implementation of the local Business Line strategy in line with European Business Line Director and the Local Business Unit Manager
    - Lead, manage and control the overall operations of the local Business Line to the successful accomplishment of agreed objectives, accountabilities include local Business Line P&L, EBIT, NOC and other key performance indicators
    - Proactively develop new business opportunities (clients, customers) to increase the market coverage and close gaps in the portfolio (all portfolio extensions to be agreed with the European Business Line Director) Coordination and functional responsibility of the Sales Managers
    - Assist Sales Managers in claims and difficult negotiations
    - Utilize and develop synergies between different industry clusters
    - Responsible for the local product portfolio in alignment with the European Business Line Director Proactively inform European Business Line Director and BL colleagues in other markets of business transfers and business development opportunities at own customers in other territories and actively support the transfer process
    - Visit clients (approval from VP PM Europe) and key customers on a regular basis
    - Represent the Business Line interests within the country organization, take an active part in the local Business Unit management team
    - Responsible for the local Business Line reports and forecasts on a requested basis
    - Adhere to legal, financial, fiscal and corporate policies of the company and the local regulatory/laws Responsible for the customer allocation across the sales management
    - Define minimum stock for new products
    - Define the strategy for local marketing (newsletters, customer events, exhibitions) Organize regular business review meetings with Sales Managers
    - Agree on the profiles/approval for new recruits with the European Business Line
    - In addition to these administrative duties, the acting Local Business Line Manager has an operational sales responsibility

    《 자격사항 》
    - 학력: 학사 이상 (4년대졸)
    - 경력: 10년 이상
    - Sales skills
    - Broad knowledge of the local market across the Business Lines
    - Fluent in the local language and English

    〔 근 무 지 〕 서울

    〔 전형절차 〕 서류전형 - 1차면접 - 2차면접 - 최종합격
    〔 제출서류 〕 국/영문 이력서 (자기소개서 및 경력기술서 포함)
    〔 지원방법 〕 e-mail 접수

    입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우
    채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
    기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 외국어:영어
    • 담당자 류경분 이사
    • 연락처 556-0401
    • 이메일 gb.ruy@acepartners.kr